Hello Everyone,
Introducing Web Tender, an online bartender database for use on your PC or mobile phone.
As I am sure you know, bartenders, the good ones at least, have to memorize hundreds of drink recipes. Frankly, this is why they are the proverbial backbone of party time personnel.
Now, with the Web Tender’s thousands of cocktail recipes on hand and, more importantly, online, there is nothing keeping the bartender in you from becoming a reality.
Not only can you search by drink name and/or ingredients but you can save the recipes for your favorite potent potables and even email them to a friend.
Each of the text only recipes includes the ingredients, measurements, instructions, and what type of glass to use.
From your desktop computer (including Mobile Speak for Smart Phone users) go to:
From your mobile phone (not accessible with MSS) go to:
Enjoy and remember, “This drink’s for you.â€Â