My Friend:

It is 3:37am and I am oh so very tired; that is why I am going to enumerate this reply to your voicemail message, OK?

I received your text messages, in addition to your voicemail, earlier today but I was in the middle of posting a new article to my BLOG.  Take a look at it, you may find it useful.

Let me say that my plans have not changed.  In fact, despite the way I feel about your atrocious behavior, it never occurred to me to not accompany you to your appointment, as I promised.  When I give my word, I keep it.  You should know me better than that by now.

I am no longer angry just disgusted and very disappointed in you and your judgment, or lack there of. 

As a pedestrian who was hit by an automobile, landing over twenty-five feet from where the skid marks stopped, because some idiot thought he was good to drive after an evening of guzzling down beers, I cannot adequately express my revulsion at the thought of you, over thirty years passed your age of majority no less, deliberately getting behind the wheel of a car after a night of sophomoric and pointless drinking.

Frankly, the thought of it sickens me and makes me weep for all of those who have lost and will lose their precious lives because of others who will selfishly, senselessly, criminally, and, in the end, viciously engage in such reprehensible behavior.

As you frequently observe, I have proven, time and time again, how much I love you.  What you should also know is that my love is not unconditional.

In case you did not realize, my love is the world’s most precious gift; a treasure deserved only by those who, among other things, treasure the lives of those they do not know and will never meet. 

Drunk driving is the action of one who is not worthy of my love, my compassion, my respect, nor my time.

Unlike you and, sadly, so many of the world’s population, I choose to be my proverbial neighbor’s keeper even though my neighbor, most of the time, couldn’t care less about me.

This is who I am and this is what I do; that is, place my neighbor’s safety above my own convenience.

As you read my words, ask yourself who you are and what do you want to do with the rest of your life.  Regardless the answer, you will never be worthy of anything or anyone so long as you continue to drink and drive, placing your convenience above the safety of your neighbors, one of whom happens to be me.

That’s right.  Did you think about that?  How would you feel if you were to plow into me as I cross the street because you were to inebriated to obey a traffic light?  Are you really willing to put me, your one true friend, so needlessly as risk?  Is my life and the lives of countless others worth less to you than a six-pack of beer, a fifth of whisky, or a bottle of wine?

On behalf of all those whose lives you carelessly put at risk, I cannot forgive you for it is not my place to do so.

I can, however, tell you that I have always valued your friendship and because of this, I will do whatever I can to help you face what will surely be your greatest challenge, yet.

I will not abandon you so long as you acknowledge and accept responsibility for your reckless behavior, not by speaking silly little, pretty little words that will be carried away on the next puff of wind but by actions that will stand the test of time.

This ordeal has definitely taxed the limits of our friendship.  Nevertheless, unless or until you demonstrate that you do not truly regret your decision to drink and drive my life away, by doing it again, my love is with you.

Let’s talk tomorrow, OK?

Most Sincerely,

Mark Marcus

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