Hello Everyone, 

The following is a reply I received from the producer of the podcast to which I refer in episode 33 of the Candle Shore Podcast which is my audio response to the seemingly hostile debates that are now taking place within a certain segment of the visually impaired community regarding which computer/wireless phone operating platform offers the greatest amount of accessibility. 

Since the producer of the podcast in question saw fit to publish his comments to a public mailing list, I think it only reasonable to publish my reply to his comments.

I ask that you read this post in its entirety as my reply and a link to the audio segment in question, follows:

Out of courtesy, I will substitute the name Jax for the commenter’s real name.

Hi.  Mark, I normally applaud your work, but this is not good at all,  
Sir.  While you are correct that we should all get along, I think your  
temper got the better of you this time, and since you singled out my  
podcast in particular, I am asking very politely for an apology on  
this list.  In the current episode, a friend of mine expresses his  
views as to why he prefers the iPhone.  Now, since you were apparently  
raving and ranting about how people should get along, I found it quite  
strange to hear your statement about an episode on my podcast  
that criticized Outlook was very upsetting to you.  Sir, I went back  
and listened to the episode.  Why did I do that?  if the gentleman had  
indeed mentioned Outlook as being so horrible and ridiculous, I was  
going to remove the episode out of respect for my Windows users, as I  
don’t like the whole Mac versus Windows thing as I did when I first  
switched.  In listening to how he used his iPhone productively, I hear  
him talk about how he wanted all his emails downloaded into one inbox  
and that he used multiple accounts.  Where in the world did he mention  
Outlook, or even Windows, here?  I feel that the guest host on my show  
was misquoted, Sir, and this is unacceptable to me.  For someone who  
prides himself on his integrity, I am offended that you would make  
such a blanket statement, and I would also advise you that, if I feel  
that someone has been terribly abused by a show of mine, it will be  
removed, and an apology will be forth coming.  I very politely and  
very respectfully ask the same from you, as another person who values  
his honesty, as I know you do.  Thank you.



It would seem that hostility is all some of us know. 

Out of courtesy to the moderator and the List, this will be my final comment on this matter:

Jax, your reply truly saddens me for several reasons only one of which I will disclose on this list.  Said reason reflected in the following question:

Jax, would it not have been more productive to, instead of merely writing like a gentleman, to actually act like a gentleman by enquiring as to what part of your show to which I was referring in my audio reply?

It is said that the proof is in the pudding.  Keep this in mind as you Click on the following link to the 1 minute and 5 seconds excerpt from your show to which I was referring in which your guest does, indeed, incorrectly state that Outlook dumps all incoming Mail Messages into one Inbox. 

Click Here for the Outlook Comment Excerpt.

Jax, as I have no hard feelings against you, I will not be so boorish as to make any demands.

Jax, I am not your adversary.  I am your brother.

And this list, is not just a share-point, it is a meeting place for our family.

Having said this, know that I stand by my words and my words are true for they are the fruits of my heart and not my ego, as some would like to believe.

To The Entire List:

As I said, this will be my final post on this matter and I thank you all for your indulgence.

Most Sincerely,

Mark (The Mac Basher) Taylor  (Smile)

Upon reviewing the audio excerpt in question, Jax apologized to me, publically, on the same mailing list to which he had originally posted his demand.

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