Hello Everyone,Â
Well, I took my iPhone, complete with both Mobile Navigon and A T & T Navigator, out for a quick 2 minute walk. It was raining in my area today so had to keep it short.
Round 1 definitely goes to Mobile Navigon North America.Â
My primary test today was to see which more accurately and more comprehensively informed me of upcoming turns on route. My short walk consisted of 4 turns and Mobile Navigon told me both the upcoming turns, before hand, and, as I approach the turn point, perfectly-timed, told me, yet again, which turn to make.Â
Also, simply Double-Tapping the iPhone’s display screen caused the instructions to be repeated.Â
Finally, the “Take Me Home” feature now included with Mobile Navigon North America smoothly turned me around and took me back to my home.
As for A T & T Navigator, while it did tell me upcoming turns to take on-foot, it did not, as I approached the turns, repeat the instructions. For a low vision person traveling at night, having the app tell you a second time, just when the turn should be made is a plus.Â
The only way I was able to get A T & T Navigator to repeat its instructions was to turn VoiceOver off. While this worked, touching the area of the screen necessary to cause the repeat was not nearly as consistent as it was when I was sitting in my office chair.Â
Stay Tuned,