Hello All,
The following comes to us from SimpleHelp.
How To Delete Multiple Emails At Once On Your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
If you have email delivered to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, it can be annoying deleting several emails individually. Here we take a look at how to delete multiple emails at once.
Open your email, and after you checking it, there might be several you’ve already read on your computer, other device, or just want to get rid of. Rather than go through and delete each one individually, you can select several and delete them at once. Open your email and click the Edit button at the top.
Now you’ll be able to tap next to the emails you want to delete and a red check will display. On the iPad they will be listed as pages stacked on the right. After you’ve scrolled through and selected the ones you want to get rid of, and tap the Delete button at the bottom.
If you’re using Gmail or another client that supports the creation of folders you can also archive them or delete them by moving to the trash.
The process is essentially the same with the iPhone or iPod touch as well. While in your email tap on Edit.
Then Delete or move your email to a different folder or the Trash.
If you prefer to delete your email individually, one trick is to go into Settings and turn off Ask Before Deleting. That way you won’t have to deal with confirming you want to delete the mail when you tap on the trashcan icon.
That’s all there is to it!