Hello Everyone,
I was in my local AT&T Wireless Store assisting a friend in upgrading her iPhone 4 to an iPHone 4S. While we were waiting for a representative, I took the opportunity to explore iPHone 5, again.
You know what? NO matter how much Apple tries to spin it, the iPHone 5 feels like a more cheaply made device than the 4 or the 4S.
Say what you will but there is something special about that glass finish that is lost with iPHone 5.
Perhaps most people keep their phones in a case so it matters little to them but to me, what put iPHone a cut above the rest has been lost with iPhone 5, in terms of tactile satisfaction.
Also, from a visual perspective, the aluminum, to my poor old eyes anyway, lacks that special sparkling gleam that made me so glad I own an iPhone.
For the first time in my wireless life, I am so happy I do not have the “latest and greatest.”
As is always the case, this is just my opinion so please be kind (smile).
Making a Joyful Noise,