[Sent To Mark]
Thanks for the info, and enjoy your weekend.  My wife only wishes that I would leave my other woman alone, that would be the computer or my windows mobile phone in case you’re wondering! 

Take Care.

[Reply From Mark]

You are welcome. 

My wife feels the exact same way.  She simply cannot imagine why I find mobile phone and wireless technology (the other woman) so completely addicting but then, as a sighted person, she has never known the kinds of limitations we, as either blind or low vision people have faced in the past. 

I continue to be amazed at the fact that I, to date, have added over 160 albums to my Windows Mobile Media Library and at least 130 single tracks, and have, thanks to Code Factory’s Mobile Speak, complete access to them in an instant.  For the first time, I don’t have to ask or remember which song is on what album.  I have Play Lists, searchable text, album art, auto Play Lists and so much more all at my fingertips.  With a simple audio cable, I plug my phone into the car stereo system and boom, there it is. 

I have over 500 more albums to rip before my media project is complete; then, I will start on my DVD collection.  I have about 300 albums on Cassette tape but I think I will leave those to the ages. 

I try to rip at least 5 albums a day, not counting the music that I impulse buy from the Amazon MP3 store. 

As I said, she is so happy I am happy but, she has never known what it is like to have to search through hundreds of CDs trying to find the one you want while having to ask someone else to read the track listings. 

Of course, after a while I began Brailling the CD cases but it still was not the same as having complete content access.

Also, with the perfect synchronization compatibility between Windows Media Player and Pocket Media Player, I can easily create, update, or change playlists in mere seconds and have it all synchronized on my phone. 

I don’t think I’ll put many DVD episodes on my phone but I will add them all to my home streaming media library that resides on my home network attached storage so we can have access to all of the media in the house from any television, computer, or mobile phone.  Add to this the ability to stream my media content to my NetBook PC, when away from home, and, man, it just can’t get any better.

Well, I have chores to do before I can do any fun stuff, today.  (Smile) 



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