Are you ready for this?

Do you want to know what the hottest keys in Mobile Geo have to offer?  Look no further for you have come to the right place!

Prepare to sizzle as you learn how to heat up Mobile Geo, right here, right now!

Click Here to download the Mobile Geo Hotkey Info Pack which consist of four recently published documents (in Plain Text, MS Word, and US English Braille format) containing all of the Hotkey commands now available in Mobile Geo, including Microsoft Voice Command.


Click Here to view the combined documents online, as a single web page.

Are you ready for this?

Hello Everyone,

Mobile Geo is the first and only world-class GPS navigation software solution for the blind and low vision that is 100% compatible with Microsoft Voice Command, a voice interface solution that allows you to issue commands by merely speaking them into the phone.  So, the next time you find yourself walking up the boulevard or rolling down the street ask Geo and it will tell you where you are, the distance to the next intersection or what turn you should make next.

In this post I provide a tutorial on how to access Mobile Geo with Microsoft Voice Command.  Read the rest of this entry »

On the 200th anniversary of your blessed birth, it is my esteemed honor to thank you, Monsieur Louis Braille, for giving me and thousands and thousands like me, who see by the candles of  the mind, a means, a written language to explore the path of life with those who see by the light of the stars.

The name Braille!  Ah, there’s something about your name.  Perhaps it’s special because I know that without you, I would not be what I am and I could not become what I one day hope to be.

Most sincerely,

Mark Taylor
Please Click Here to read more about Monsieur Braille and to learn how you can help further Braille literacy in your community.

Hello Fellow Candle Shore Comrades,

The following announcement does not apply to any Candle Shore email subscribers but only to those who use RSS or podcast aggregators to receive updates from Candle Shore.

If you subscribe to the Candle Shore BLOG or the Candle Shore Podcasts via RSS feed or via iTunes or any podcast aggregator, such as the Juice Podcast Receiver, you must update Candle Shore’s feed address, in your applications, to reflect Feedburner’s migration into Google. 

The new feed addresses are listed below:

For the Candle Shore general BLOG, including both articles and podcasts:

For the Candle Shore Podcasts, only:

Thank you,


Hello Friends,

As you may recall, on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 many of us waited anxiously to hear the inaugural address of President Barack Obama.

As I listened to his speech, I remember consciously burning the moment into my mind so that I would never forget where I was or what I was doing as he so eloquently stood before the world and bravely conveyed the contents of his character and the direction of his path.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone,  

Rarely do I participate in spreading the word about feature film releases but I must admit that “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, a movie scheduled to debut on December 25, 2008, has definitely grabbed my attention.  Read the rest of this entry »

Grant Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 

(Click Here to listen or download the approximately 17-minute audio podcast of this historic speech)

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.  Read the rest of this entry »

Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Thank you. Thank you, my friends. Thank you for coming here on this beautiful Arizona evening.


My friends, we have — we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly.

A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Senator Barack Obama to congratulate him. [BOOING]  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone, 

The following link will take you to the Candle Shore Transcript Page for the Microsoft Professional Developers 2008 Conference Keynote Speeches which I have adapted for viewing as either a no-graphics Web page or in a downloadable US Braille formatted document for use with either a Braille embosser or refreshable Braille device..

For those of you who may not know, in short, this conference is where Microsoft discusses and demonstrates upcoming products for the future.



Click Here to Continue:

Hello Everyone,

In an effort to make the documentation for Code Factory’s GPS software solution, Mobile Geo, a little more manageable, I have adapted and reformatted the Mobile Geo user manual in a way that I hope you will find easier to use; for example, I have removed all of the tables.

You may download the Mobile Geo list of commands in MS Word, plain text, HTML, or US Braille format.

Click Here to Proceed:




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