Hello My Friends,

In light of recent world events, I decided to re-post the following list of personal codes of conduct, by which to live, that are commonly referred to as the Native American Code of Ethics.

These principles are simple yet powerful, demanding yet gracious, timely and yet timeless.

I post them here as a token of my respect for the past, my appreciation of the present, and my hope for the future.

Most Sincerely,



Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.   Read the rest of this entry »

Hello All, 

Thank you all so much for your well wishes regarding my eye surgery, yesterday. 

So my eye surgery was scheduled for 1:30pm and I was told to be at the hospital at 12:30pm.  At approximately 1:30, I was called back into the Pre-Op area to change in to my “gown” (grimace) and have my vitals taken.  This took less than 15 minutes at which time they instructed me to get into a bed where they placed warm towels over me.  To say that I was a little nervous would be a definite understatement.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello All,

In this approximately 5 minute episode of the Candle Shore Podcast, I recite the original lyrics to “O Holy Night”, written by Adolphe Adam, as a literal English translation from the French poem.

Please accept this gift from me to you and in all things, remember to make a joyful noise.

Merry Christmas,

Episode:  Mark Recites The Original Lyrics To O Holy Night

Hello All,

In this approximately 5 minute episode of the Candle Shore Podcast, I recite the original lyrics to “O Holy Night”, written by Adolphe Adam, as a literal English translation from the French poem.

Please accept this gift from me to you and in all things, remember to make a joyful noise. 

Merry Christmas,

Episode:  Mark Recites The Original Lyrics To O Holy Night

Hello My Fellow Caramel Covered Crimson Crisps,

The following is a true story:

On Monday, July 6, 2009 after having used my iPhone 3GS (complete with the VoiceOver screen reader for the visually impaired) since purchasing it on the day of its debut, Friday, June 19, 2009 at approximately 7:12am, I decided to return my one and only AT&T Wireless SIM card to its original host, my beloved Samsung Epix SGH-i907 Windows Mobile Professional 6.1 touch-screen Smartphone.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone,

It is virtually impossible to live in the Los Angeles area without being inundated and, to some degree, affected by the death of Michael Jackson. 

I will not comment on his legacy or attempt to add a prophetic track to the melody that was his life for only history is qualified to do so.

What I will do is share perhaps my fondest memory of his showmanship, for in this one way, Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 to June 25, 2009) for just a little while, made me believe in magic, one last time.  Read the rest of this entry »

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The following is my comment in the growing debate, among some persons with disabilities, as to which wireless platform is superior:  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello My Fellow Drive-Time Direction-Finding Draftees,

Before I discuss a very handy useful feature of Code Factory’s Mobile Geo, a software GPS navigation solution for the blind and low vision, embrace the following piece and always remember.

The following was recently discovered in an old abandoned cavern over two kilometers beneath the earth’s surface.  It has been translated into English by a team of linguistic experts who readily admit that they had to improvise some of the words due to a lack of understanding of the author’s now extinct dialect.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello My Fellow Midnight Munchers, 

An interesting salutation?  I hope you think so.  By the end of this post, you will certainly understand why I chose to use it.

This past Saturday night, at approximately 11pm , I received a call from an old buddy of mine who asked me if I would like to go grab a cup of coffee at The International House of Pancakes (iHOP).  Since my wife had already retired for the evening and my two feline owners of 15 years, Amy and Rosalie were clearly finding me annoying, I accepted his invitation.  Read the rest of this entry »

On the 200th anniversary of your blessed birth, it is my esteemed honor to thank you, Monsieur Louis Braille, for giving me and thousands and thousands like me, who see by the candles of  the mind, a means, a written language to explore the path of life with those who see by the light of the stars.

The name Braille!  Ah, there’s something about your name.  Perhaps it’s special because I know that without you, I would not be what I am and I could not become what I one day hope to be.

Most sincerely,

Mark Taylor
Please Click Here to read more about Monsieur Braille and to learn how you can help further Braille literacy in your community.


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