Hello Everyone,

In this approximately 14 minute episode of the Candle Shore Podcast, I share a story by 60 Minutes, a television magazine, that discusses common traits and signs among those that dwell in the madness behind the massacres.

Episode:  The Madness Behind The Massacres

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoy this approximately 50 minute episode of the 1970s CBS Mystery Theater radio drama, “The Deadly Blind Man’s Bluff”, published here as a Candle Shore Podcast.

After listening to this episode, you will never again underestimate those in the dark.

Episode:  The Deadly Blind Man’s Bluff

Hello Everyone, 

In this approximately 12 minute episode of the Candle Shore Podcast, I share a story by 60 Minutes, a television magazine, that discusses the pervasiveness of gambling in the United States.

Episode:  Gambling It All Away

Hello All,

The Apple App Store is home to thousands of wonderfully useful and creative programs that enhance and enrich the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world for as little as 99 cents American.  But what if you are blind or low vision and in order to obtain an accessible version of the program, you must pay more than the standard cost?  

In this approximately 43 minute episode of the Candle Shore Podcast, I discuss this issue with Mr. Alex Georgiou, co-founder of Essency, makers of Awareness-The Headphones App.

Episode:  Paying The Cost

Hello Everyone,

The following is just a quick reminder:

The Apple App Store is home to thousands of wonderfully useful and creative programs that enhance and enrich the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world for as little as 99 cents American.  But what if you are blind or low vision and in order to obtain an accessible version of the program, you must pay more than the standard cost?  

Recently, a company called Essency, released a dazzlingly innovative and useful utility called Awareness, The Headphones App, that in effect allows you to listen to music and the outside world at the same time.

Currently, those using VoiceOver, Apple’s software screen reading solutions for the blind and low vision, must pay an additional cost in order to purchase the VoiceOver accessible user interface for the program.

Join me on the Secret Life of Mark Marcus on Friday, January 7, 2011 at 7:00pm (PST) when I will be interviewing the president of Essency, Mr. Alex Georgiou who has graciously agreed to accept questions from callers.  

To listen to or participate in the live show call (724) 898-1193.

To learn more about the Secret Life of Mark Marcus including how you can sign up for text message alerts and how you can listen online, go to candleshore.com/secrets

Click Here to listen to the audio PROMO for this upcoming episode.


Hello All,

The following comes to us courtesy of SimpleHelp.com


Beginners Guide to Setting Up Windows Live Mail 2011

If you’re moving from XP or Vista to Windows 7, you might be wondering where the Windows Mail app is. It’s actually part of the Live Essentials 2011 suite of utilities and here we’ll give you the beginners guide for setting it up and some basic functions.   Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoy this approximately 50 minute episode of the 1970s CBS Mystery Theater radio drama, “Bury Me Again”, published here as a Candle Shore Podcast.

As you listen to this episode, it will become clear that if crime doesn’t pay, it at least leases.

Episode:  Bury Me Again

Hello Everyone,

Get what you DON’T pay for: Here are a whopping 196 programs, courtesy of PC Magazine, that cost absolutely nothing, but will make your computing life much richer.

Click Here To Continue …


Hello All,

I hope you enjoy this approximately 23 minute excerpt from KPFK Radio’s Access Unlimited talk show in which I discuss things to consider when beginning an exercise regimen as a low vision or blind person.

Episode:  Mark On KPFK Radio’s Access Unlimited – Exercise Me

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoy this approximately 50 minute episode of the 1970s CBS Mystery Theater radio drama, “What Happened To Mrs. Forbush”, published here as a Candle Shore Podcast.

As you listen to this episode, you will come to understand that what happens in the past does not necessarily remain in the past.


Episode:  What Happened To Mrs. Forbush


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