Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoy this approximately 50 minute episode of the 1970s CBS Mystery Theater radio drama, “Deadline For Death”, published here as a Candle Shore Podcast.

As you listen to this episode, you will realize that some of the worst things in life, exist in death, itself.


Episode:  Deadline For Death

Hello All,

I just spoke to a trusted AT&T Wireless contact of mine who requested to remain anonymous. 

According to my source:

Any current iPhone customer with the $30 per month unlimited data plan may continue to use the unlimited plan (at $30 per month) even if they choose to purchase a new iPhone be it subsidized (an upgrade in contract) or unsubsidized (customer pays full market value).

Current iPhone customers who wish to downgrade their actual handset will lose the $30 per month unlimited plan. 

According to my source (however this one is not set in stone) any current iPhone customer with the $30 per month unlimited data plan who wishes to add the $20 per month tethering option loses the $30 per month unlimited data plan.  My source confirmed that AT&T Wireless has the ability to distinguish data traveling over the network that is used  on the phone from that which is used as a result of tethering; thus, AT&T Wireless may resend this particular policy. 

PERSONAL NOTE:  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone, 

As a low vision Windows 7 and Mac Snow Leopard user, I access computers via a screen reader (JAWS) for Windows 7 and (VoiceOver) for Mac Snow Leopard.

I also happen to be a very satisfied user of iPhone 3GS. 

Included with the iPhone 3GS, at the time of purchase, is a very nice set of Apple branded stereo earphones with inline 3-button remote control and microphone.  This included headset can be used to remotely control iPhone 3GS volume level, dialing feature, and iPod App.  Read the rest of this entry »

On behalf of Code Factory, Mark Taylor will host the first Live Code Factory talk show.

The show is entitled “Get Going With Mobile Geo 2.5”. It is scheduled for Saturday, June 5, 2010 at 10:00 AM US Pacific time (7.00 PM Central European time).

Click Here to listen to the audio promo of the show.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello My Fellow Windows Washing Apple-Seeds,

This post is for those scientifically-minded blind and low vision computerers who prefer a little Windex in their Apple Cider.  (Smile)  That is to say, for those visually impaired JAWS users who wish to run Microsoft Windows as a virtual machine on a Macintosh system.

The following is an overview of the setup I now enjoy:

A MacBook Pro 13-inch running the latest version of the Mac operating system with VoiceOver, Apple’s software screen reading solution for the blind and low vision, enabled.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoy this approximately 50 minute episode of the 1970s CBS Mystery Theater radio drama, “The Return Of Anatov Chevenic”, published here as a Candle Shore Podcast.


Episode:  The Return Of Anatov Chevenic

Hello Everyone, 

Well, it would appear that Google TV is real.

Google TV IS Real
By Lance Ulanoff 
May 21, 2010    
As many predicted, Google unveiled its Google TV platform yesterday. The goal is to truly blend TV and the Web into one seamless experience. Google has its partners lined up and products coming this fall. This report pulls it all together.
Click Here for the full article.

Hello Everyone,

I am delighted to help spread the news about an exciting technology event hosted by Apple, that clearly demonstrates Apple’s commitment to making its world renowned products accessible to the physically challenged.

I urge you to attend this seminar either in person or online if for no other reason but that someday you or someone you love may be in need of such technology.


The Lighthouse of San Francisco is hosting a technology seminar entitled “Apple Products and Accessibility” on June 11, 2010 from 1:00PM – 3:00PM PDT.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone,

If you’re a small business that wishes to take it to the next level in either free or low-cost, reliable, and professional quality online solutions, then Click Here to read this very comprehensive PC Magazine article that can help you get started.

Good Luck,


Hello Everyone, 

At the time of this post, there are only two privacy settings from which you may choose when making a telephone call on the iPhone 3GS, to either show your outgoing Caller ID or to BLOCK/hide your outgoing Caller ID.  Which ever you choose, there is no officially supported method to override the selected setting for individual Contacts. 

For the record, I, like thousands of others, strongly urge Apple to address this particular white elephant that has taken up residence in the proverbial orchard.

To override iPhone 3GS Caller ID setting, do the following:   Read the rest of this entry »


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