In this article I discuss two completely free web services that allow you to send text messages from a computer to a mobile phone without displaying your telephone number.



SMS (short message service) or text messaging is a convenient way to send brief electronic messages directly to someone’s mobile phone or, in some cases, email address.  Generally, a text message can be up to 160 characters long or about 25 words (English).  SMS is often used to stay in contact with friends and family.

Unless otherwise indicated, when sent through a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, or Internet Explorer Mobile, there is no cost to the sender of a text message.  However, assuming the message is sent to a mobile phone, the recipient of the SMS will be charged standard messaging rates by her/his wireless provider. 

I don’t know about you but there are times when I want to send a text message to someone while sitting at my computer.  At such moments, it would be more convenient to enter a text message using a full size computer keyboard rather than pecking at a tiny phone keypad. 

Of course I am not suggesting that one should avoid texting on a mobile phone but, rather, that one should consider every available option, at all times. 

Many free SMS website portals require that, in addition to entering the recipient’s mobile phone number, you must also specify the name of the recipient’s wireless network provider.  Just think of all the people you may wish to text, someday.  Now, do you know with which wireless provider their telephone numbers are registered?  I think not.  (Smile)

I am happy to inform you that neither of the two web-to-phone text messaging services, discussed in this article, require you to enter the name of the recipient’s wireless provider. 

One of the most accessible and easy-to-use web-to-phone SMS services is Yahoo Mobile Chat. 

Please note that in order to use this service, you must have a Yahoo ID (free).  You may register a new Yahoo ID at the top of the Yahoo Mobile Chat page.  What I like about this service is that the recipient of your text message will see only your Yahoo ID in the From field of the message instead of your mobile phone number.

To send a text message to a mobile phone using Yahoo Mobile Chat:

From any web browser, go to:

Sign into Yahoo with your Yahoo ID.  If you do not have a Yahoo ID, click the Sign Up link located at the top of the page.

In the Number text edit field, enter the recipient’s ten or eleven digit telephone number for example, 8005551234 or 18005551234.

In the Message edit box, enter the text of your message. 

When finished entering text, either press the [Enter] key on your computer keyboard or mobile device or click the “Send” button located just below the Message edit box.  Note that upon sending the text message, you will most likely receive a confirmation message informing you that the message was successfully sent but that the recipient cannot instantly respond.  This is OK, do not worry, your message was sent.

Like many web-to-phone SMS services, Text 4 Free requires that, in addition to entering the recipient’s mobile phone number, you must also specify the name of the recipient’s wireless network provider.  It is for this reason that I do not recommend Text 4 Free to send text messages from the web.   

However, Text 4 Free offers a web page widget that I find most remarkable.  Simply put, the widget, hosted by Text 4 Free, allows the sender of a text message to transmit the SMS without having to enter, or even know for that matter, your actual mobile phone number. 

Yes, you read it right.

With this nifty tool imbedded into your web page, BLOG, or social profile such as My Space, the sender only need (1) browse to your website, (2) type in the text message, and (3) click the “Send” button. 

Using this widget means that the message can only be sent to you and that your number is hidden from the public. 

This is great for both personal sites (let friends text you for free, on their end) and business (give your customers the opportunity to get customer support using your cell phone but without telling them your personal mobile number).

In addition, you will find this tool very convenient when you wish to contact friends and family through your web browser.

For example, when I wish to quickly send a text message to my sister, I only need to browse to the web page I created that contains the widget that points to her cell phone.  Then, rather than having to open up a contact list and selecting the correct number, I can quickly and easially send her a message in seconds.  Please note that, should I choose, I can create a web page with multiple imbedded dedicated SMS widgets. 

To obtain the Text 4 Free Personal Tool widget, go to:

A web widget is a mini-web application you can put in your web page, BLOG, or social profile that will quickly and easily provide visitors with, user specific information, extra functionality, and even a bit of fun and games.

Typically, widgets are available in ready-to-use formats, are visually appealing, and customizable by the author of the web page.  They can take the form of clocks, calendars, calculators, databases, pictures, games, statistical summaries, video clips, etc.

In short, a widget is a snippet of code, available from the website that hosts the widget, which you may copy into the source code of your web page.



To see an example of the Text 4 Free Personal Tool widget in action, go to:
http://www.candleshoreblog.com/demo.  Please note that this demonstration page I created will be available for a limited time, only.

Good luck and enjoy this wonderful text-time-technology.


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