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Thank you,


Mom and Pop,

I know we have all had our differences over the years, but I am confident that we have moved passed that now.

There comes a time in one’s life when one has to realize what’s actually important, and our relationship is just that to me. 

I wish there was more that I could give you, but hope that my love and reassurance will quiet the doubts that either of you may have.

Merry Christmas and may we all share a Happy New Year.

Love Always.

Hello Kids from 1 to 92,

Well, just a few more hours and the world’s best known holiday will be upon us.

Christmas!  You know, there is something about that word that moves me.  I know that there are many today who do not celebrate or even acknowledge Christmas but, no matter, like the wind itself, Christmas touches us all whether we see it or not.

As I write this, I am overwhelmed by a heart wrenching sense of homesickness for…  Well, that is the question for all of us, respectively, is it not?  Read the rest of this entry »

Perfect Love
Part 1
By Mark Marcus

My Love,
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find you.

But some how, some way, I did for you are here, in my life.

In those moments when you and I lie together, stars crossed in the midnight sky, bodies crossed in the midnight hour, I know that I have, at long last, found perfect love.  Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoy this approximately 42 minute show entitled “Make Them Thankful” in which I offer what I hope you will consider wise words of wisdom to those of us who sometimes forget that our proverbial glass of life is half full, not half empty.


Episode 32:  Make Them Thankful

My Friend:

It is 3:37am and I am oh so very tired; that is why I am going to enumerate this reply to your voicemail message, OK?

I received your text messages, in addition to your voicemail, earlier today but I was in the middle of posting a new article to my BLOG.  Take a look at it, you may find it useful.

Let me say that my plans have not changed.  In fact, despite the way I feel about your atrocious behavior, it never occurred to me to not accompany you to your appointment, as I promised.  When I give my word, I keep it.  You should know me better than that by now.

I am no longer angry just disgusted and very disappointed in you and your judgment, or lack there of.  Read the rest of this entry »

By Mark Marcus
(Saturday, October 25, 2008)

Cry for me. 

Will you not cry for me? 

Why do you not cry for me?

I have seen you cry for the brave, the bold, and the blundering who do nothing but blame you for their misdeeds.

I have seen you cry for the rancorous, the vicious, and the wicked who only seek to destroy you. 

Often have I seen you cry for the rich, the famous, the beautiful, and the well-to-do.

Though rarely, I have even seen you cry for the downtrodden, the peacemaker, and the innocent.

You readily cry for yourself at each opportunity, be it self made or self-fulfilling, of which I do not know.  Read the rest of this entry »


You are more than welcome for this little token of my effection.

You know, so often during the course of a day, week, month, year, etc, one can forget her value in life.  As one deals with the day-to-day trials and tribulations of both work and family, it is so easy to forget that she is someone special and, as such, touches the lives of so many in very extraordinary and wonderful ways.  Read the rest of this entry »


by Mark Marcus
My Dreamer:

The gift I gave you and will give to you again and again was born from the warmth and sincerity of my love

Fancy it and, alas, fancy me; for you are my one true sweet, sly, silly, sultry and seasoned dreamer of old.  

Let my gift embrace your dreams and let its fire ignite the flight that will ferry your thoughts to where they wish to go.

Ease your mind into the mist of my gift, close your eyes, and think of me.

Rest your dark essence upon my immortal hopes and primordial desires; and dream.  Dream of who you are, who I am, and what we will become, together. 

Until we met, I dared not ponder the wonders of the universe nor peer too closely into the shadows of my soul; but then you came unto me and I, to you, and the candles of my own dreams began to glow.

Accept my gift, my beloved dreamer and trust that, as one, we shall never let the dream, the one and only beautiful dream, erode.

Most Sincerely,

Mark Marcus
(August, 2008)


by Mark Marcus
My Love:
Do you know where I am now? Read the rest of this entry »


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